Introduction to Bitcoin Buddies NFTs
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Bitcoin Buddies is a sustainable NFT project, what gives you the right to stake an NFT Card to receive maximally 3 type of native tokens!
The cards are available on NFTify marketplace. The cards are limited, only 10.000 pieces exist and no more will be minted!
More information about NFTs and Tokens are defined on "NFTs and Tokens" chapter!
Every NFT Card has an unique ID (#2 - #10000).
The ID #1 card is a special. You cannot mint at the moment.
Initial supply: 10.000. Weekly increase after BETA: +500 pieces.
Max. supply: 100.000.
$BUDDY - Fixed token supply: Staking mechanism works until 2.000 days after start!
$WBUDDY - Infinity supply, but only earn with added NFT figures!
$DMND - Fixed supply. Starts at 2023 Q4. All trading fees used for future charity programs.